
About Law Firm Mechanics

While every lawyer is different, they all have one thing in common: Not enough hours in the day.  If you spend your life buried in the weeds of your business, you need a way to climb to the top and view what you’ve built from the uppermost branches.

Law Firm Mechanics is a proudly minority-owned business that was started in 2022. Our mission is to help busy lawyers manage anxiety, overwhelm, and the infinite business challenges that arise every day. Our team comprises a coach, a tech guru, and three attorneys – one of whom is a million-dollar firm owner. We have spent years studying the metrics behind successful law firms.

Today, we act as a pillar of support for our clients who need to:

  • Market effectively to reach their sales goals
  • Confidently measure leads, new clients, and conversion rates
  • Proactively manage the firm’s financials
  • Leverage technology and automation to streamline your business
  • Implement proven systems and processes to scale beyond limits
As passionate law firm coaches, we have helped numerous firms reach 7 figures in revenue.  Now, we want you to be our next success story. If you are ready to reassign your precious time and get back to working ON your business – not in it – then you know what to do.


Yrs. Experience

We will help you skip the lines, contact us today!

Law Firm Mechanics - Helping Law Firm Skip the Line
Leticia DeSuze and Nikie Lomax
Nikie Lomax, Conti Moore, and Andre Young

Meet Your Law Firm Growth Mentors

Our mission is to help you skip the mistakes so many lawyers have already made, so that you can grow your law firm and fast-track your road to success.  Meet the mentors that will help you acomplish your goals.